No matter where you live or call home, you’ve no doubt heard of the Coronavirus and the consequences that follow it. If you don’t know, COVID-19 is the novel Coronavirus Disease discovered in 2019.

From what the CDC knows, this disease was discovered in Wuhan, China, and has spread around the globe, causing panic. During this time of uncertainty, the most important thing we can do to minimize the risks and consequences of this virus is to educate ourselves.

Here are Jarvisen’s tips for protecting yourself from COVID-19.


Know the Symptoms

Many people are scared because the symptoms of COVID-19 seem similar to the common cold or flu. Even allergies have symptoms in common with this virus. However, if you take a look, the symptoms of COVID-19, when put into a list, differentiate completely from the other illnesses.


As you can see, the symptoms of COVID-19 differ from the common cold, the flu, and allergies. You can use this information to stay up to date on your own health status and those around you without panicking.

If you have these symptoms, please see your primary care physician. If for some reason you are in another country and need to see a doctor, mack sure to have your trusty Jarvisen Translator with you to ease through the communication barrier.


Stay Clean

When I say ‘stay clean,’ I mean washing your hands and sanitizing as often as possible. The CDC encourages people to wash their hands with soap and warm water for 20 seconds. 

As for hand sanitizer, it may seem like your local grocery store is fresh out, however, Rowkin Earbuds are joining the fight against COVID-19 by offering all the resources they have to help the community. That includes hand sanitizer, which you can find and order here.

In addition to ‘staying clean,’ the CDC recommends staying at least six feet away from other people and, if possible, quarantining or self-isolating yourself in your home.


Be Understanding

Finally, this is a time of uncertainty and fear. The best way to combat that is with patience and understanding. Healthcare professionals are doing all they can to fight this virus and get life back to the way it is.

Many people have used this virus as a reason for prejudice and hate against people of Asian descent or race. Prejudice like this is completely unfounded and only makes hysteria worse. 

Finally, be understanding of other people’s fears. According to the World Health Organization, older persons over the age of 65 are the most likely to die from the disease. Keep this in mind when interacting with people in this age group. They may feel afraid and anxious. You can help alleviate that fear by being kind and adhering to quarantine and isolation guidelines.


Bottom Line

This time in our world’s history is a scary, uncertain time with many different factors at play. The most important things to remember in protecting yourself and those you love from COVID-19 is to know the symptoms, stay clean, and be understanding. We don’t all speak the same language, but we are all in this fight together.

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