Jarvisen's Blog

Phrases You Should Know Before You Visit China

Phrases You Should Know Before You Visit China

China is one of the most well-known and most traveled-to countries in the world. From Beijing to Shanghai, China has so much culture to offer. You could visit the Great Wall of China and look out over the world, or...

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How Language Translation Can Help Your Business Grow

How Language Translation Can Help Your Business Grow

Your business may be doing well, but it can always do better. One easy way to do so is to invest in language translation. Invest in an accurate, professional translation program like Jarvisen. We break down the barriers of language, so everyone you speak to knows what you're saying and understands your intent too.

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Emergency Numbers in 10 Popular Countries You Should Know

Emergency Numbers in 10 Popular Countries You Should Know

Dialing 911 to report an emergency in a foreign country may only make the situation direr because that's not an emergency number in most places. Every country has its own numbers to dial when something terrible happens, and it's best you learn them before hitting the road.

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5 Reasons Why Google Translate Isn't As Reliable As You Think

5 Reasons Why Google Translate Isn't As Reliable As You Think

Google Translate may be fine for simple tasks, such wishing your Italian friend "Happy Birthday" on Facebook. Anything more than that, however, and you'll quickly learn Google Translate isn't that reliable.

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How Many Languages Does Jarvisen Know?

How Many Languages Does Jarvisen Know?

Jariven’s Smart Voice Translator seems straight out of a fantasy story. It’s the Babelfish from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy or the Universal Translator from Star Trek. It could even be compared to Star War’s C-3PO. Rather than these magical...

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