Jarvisen's Blog

Cultural Museum Exhibits around the World

Cultural Museum Exhibits around the World

The global pandemic has put a crutch on our ability to get out and observe all of the beautiful artifacts museums have to offer. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of some museums you can visit virtually.   

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Top 5 Interesting Facts About Translation

Top 5 Interesting Facts About Translation

Do you feel like you know everything there is to know about translation and translators? For a practice that has been around for centuries, there are still many new tidbits of information to discover! This holiday, we would like to celebrate the season of ‘giving’ by giving you 5 interesting facts about translation and translators that you may have never heard before.

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Traveling for the holidays this year? Here are some tips!

Traveling for the holidays this year? Here are some tips!

The holiday season is upon us, and despite the continuation of COVID-19, many people are choosing to travel to be with family and friends. Is travel in your plans for the upcoming weeks? Here are some tips for safe travel.

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Halloween Traditions Around the World

Halloween Traditions Around the World

Halloween is upon us! ‘Tis the season to dress up in your most outrageous costume, tell ghost stories, and eat candy until the first hours of November come creeping in. Here is how Halloween and similar holidays are celebrated around the world!

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How Metaphors Help us Shape the World

How Metaphors Help us Shape the World

Have you ever thought about metaphors? What their purpose is, how they differ in various languages? Or even how they help us to understand the worldMetaphors are so commonly used in everyday language that they are often overlooked –but they play a very important role in helping us to understand the world and think more deeply about things around us.

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What's the Weirdest Language in the World?

What's the Weirdest Language in the World?

Have you ever wondered: what’s the world’s weirdest language? Where does my primary language rank on the “weird” scale? What makes a language weird? Well, look no further!

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4 Surprising Benefits of Learning a New Language

4 Surprising Benefits of Learning a New Language

The reasons to learn a new language are numerous and almost universally positive. But the benefits aren't all communication-related -- learning languages can also improve you as a person!

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4 Reasons To Use Jarvisen and Not Zoom Translator

4 Reasons To Use Jarvisen and Not Zoom Translator

Zoom's language interpretation option is a nice feature, but it simply pales in comparison to using a smart language translator device like Jarvisen. Here are four reasons why Jarvisen is a better Zoom translator than Zoom's official translator could ever hope to be!

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4 Ways to Learn a New Language as an Adult

4 Ways to Learn a New Language as an Adult

You haven't missed the boat on becoming bilingual if you're in your 20s, 30s, or older. It simply means your strategy has to difefr from those who are younger. Here are four great ways to learn a new language while also juggling the responsibilities of adulthood!

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